Unsolved Mysteries that will Make You Question Mankind
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0:00 – Intro
1:38 – Case 1 | Tom Johnson
13:58 – Case 2 | The Watcher
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Go to https://buyraycon.com/masquerade for 15% off sitewide! Brought to you by Raycon.
Is The Watcher possibly The Zodiac??
Can we truest know who we are dealing with?
Well, yes, for the most part – because these relationships take time. But no, you shouldn’t trust strangers because they talk ok
Suggestion: Joseph Fritzl
Shooting somebody is one thing. Beating someone’s skull until it cracks like an egg…… that’s something else. Tom Steeple was surely the guy.
You have to sensor the word cocaine now?
Why send them for breakfast and engage in small talk to the point of the victim's frustration if you were just going to kill them? Weird as shit
you know with the last one oh girl had the right idea go to a police station no police station hell start driving real erratically till you get stopped by police
Whether it road rage or someone following you, you do not get out of your car to confront a stranger l, that just a dumbass move that can get you killed, going to a police station or a very public location with lots of people and than calling the police on the guy is the move
Evil wears a smile bc evil is true happiness.
So we're just recycling well-known segments from Unsolved Mysteries now? I'll come back when i see another "region locked" video
Why can't Jeremy look at the photo? Why's it such a big deal?
My mom describes it as ‘your feelers itching’
We’ve met very nice SEEMING people, but if they feel wrong you need to pay attention to your feelers.
Sports Fans are bad Pets.
The greatest unsolved mystery is how RayCon keeps managing such low Prices!
3:15 that doesn’t sound like a fake name or anything! I heard his other option was John Smith.
plot twist – the second shooter was just coincidentally going their way and shot the man out of fear for his life when he approached then ran out of fear.
Born and raised in Downtown SJ and the whiplash I got from hearing you talk about OJ’s 👀
Unbelievable how naive and oblivious people were
Idk why there are so many wacky theories about Dick's killer's motive. My guess is that he was just an opportunistic, but unintelligent predator who was hoping that Jean would eventually break off from Dick's car, but when Dick confronted him, the stranger panicked and killed Dick, and then drove off. He obviously was not the smartest tool in the shed, because his tailing methods were far too blatant.
Team Lazy putting in the work.
Not lazy at all.💯🔥💯🔥💯🔥
It amazes me that anyone would be willing to wrap themselves up in sheets at the demand of someone with a gun. We all need to be able to assess a situation gone wrong quickly. He brought them there to separate himself from the crime, to be discrete, he clearly doesn't want to use the gun because it would draw a lot of attention. There are two of you and one of him, if you're willing to take a bullet you can rush him or run out of the room. You can pick something up and throw it at them, or out the window. Never obey a psycho with a gun when they're directing you to take actions that obviously lead to death. "Get on your knees" No "wrap yourself in the sheet" *No*.
Getting them to wrap themselves in sheets would be to minimize the blood splatter so he didn't have the change his clothes. As soon as he asked them to wrap themselves they should have known that their lives were over and the risk of getting shot would be worth fighting to escape.
How unconscionable to yell at his girlfriend to stop yelling when she was being beaten to death.